Between Narcissism and Repression: The Castration of Female Desire in Portuguese Film – Julia Kristeva and Abjection, the 1974 Revolution, The Siege and Dina and Django,
depolitisation, dictatorship, Julia Kristeva, revolution, sexualityResumo
The Portuguese films The Siege (O Cerco, 1970) and Dina and Django (Dina e Django, 1983) are set within divergent socio-political situations: twelve years separate the two, with Portugal’s 1974 revolution and the end to almost fifty years of dictatorship (1926-1974) between them. A man directs The Siege (António da Cunha Teles), while a woman directs Dina and Django (Solveig Nordlund). I depart from Julia Kristeva’s pivotal book Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection to ask how two films produced over a decade apart and under different social and political conditions, can both portray women protagonists castrated in the fulfilment of their desire for sexual pleasure and social emancipation — why, in both, these characters progress from narcissism to repression to punishment.
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